Monday, 8 February 2021

Saving CSV file in UTF8, Compress and Archive them

We had a requirement, where the CSV files generated by SSIS were not in UTF8. We had to resave in UTF8 format. We also had to compress the group of files and archive the original set of files. We achieved that using Powershell.
 $CSVfilesFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\"  
 $CompressFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\Compress"  
 $ArchiveFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\Archive"  
 $filesForZip = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSVfilesFolder -Filter *.csv | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -First $CountofFilesToZip | select fullname | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }  
 $newFileName = "$($CompressFolder)\"  
 #Encoding to UTF8   
 foreach($file in $filesForZip)  
   $UTF8Only = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)  
   $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $file  
   [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($file, $FileContent, $UTF8Only)     
 #Generate Zip file  
 $compress = @{  
  Path = $filesForZip  
  CompressionLevel = "Fastest"  
  DestinationPath = $newFileName  
 Compress-Archive @compress -Force  
 #Archive the files  
 foreach($file in $filesForZip)  
   Move-Item $file -Destination $ArchiveFolder -Force  

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