Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Powershell alert, once server is up and running

 We have got regular server patches every month. When the server is restarted, we have to keep checking whether server is up again. The below powershell script will be helpful, to let us know, once server is up and running.

1:  # Load assembly  
2:  [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")  
3:  $ComputerName = "FQDN of Server"  
4:  $ServerOnline = $false  
5:  while($ServerOnline -eq $false)  
6:  {  
7:    if(Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -ComputerName $ComputerName -Quiet)  
8:    {  
9:     [System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("The server $computerName is up now");  
10:     $serverOnline = $true;  
11:     break;  
12:    }  
13:    else  
14:    {  
15:      [System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("The server $computerName is offline now");  
16:      Start-Sleep -Seconds 5  
17:    }  
18:  }  

Copy web.config between two web servers

We are having load balancing of web portal, in two different web servers. The web.config has to be same between web portal. If one of them is changed, we want to copy the same to another server. Below script can be used to do the same:

I have put local path just for reference. UNC path can be used in place of local path. 

1:  $strSourceFile = "C:\\dev\\wv02\\test.txt"  
2:  $strDestFile = "C:\\dev\\wv01\\test.txt"  
3:  if ((Get-ChildItem $strSourceFile).LastWriteTimeUtc -gt (Get-ChildItem $strDestFile).LastWriteTimeUtc)  
4:  {  
5:    write-host "$($strSourceFile) is latest than $($strDestFile)"  
6:    copy-item -Path $strSourceFile -Destination $strDestFile  
7:  }  
8:  else  
9:  {  
10:     write-host "$($strDestFile) is latest than $($strSourceFile)"  
11:     copy-item -Path $strDestFile -Destination $strSourceFile  
12:  }  

How to Handle SSIS Database movement from one environment to another

Below are the steps to follow the movement of SSISDB from one environment to another: -- opening the existing Database master key in S...