Monday, 31 August 2020

Getting SQL Server Instance Services Information

Below query can be run to get SQL Server instance services information:
1:  SELECT DSS.servicename,  
2:  DSS.startup_type_desc,  
3:  DSS.status_desc,  
4:  DSS.last_startup_time,  
5:  DSS.service_account,  
6:  DSS.is_clustered,  
7:  DSS.cluster_nodename,  
8:  DSS.filename,  
9:  DSS.startup_type,  
10:  DSS.status,  
11:  DSS.process_id  
12:  FROM sys.dm_server_services AS DSS;  

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How to Handle SSIS Database movement from one environment to another

Below are the steps to follow the movement of SSISDB from one environment to another: -- opening the existing Database master key in S...