If you are working on a new task and you want to create a user branch and push it to remote, you can do so, using below methods.
Assuming you are in develop branch
git checkout develop #Recommended to always point your branch to same commit as develop
git pull #Recommened to get the latest from remote
git branch users/venkat/performanceFix #Creating new branch for your needs
git checkout users/venkat/performanceFix #Checking out branch locally
git push origin users/venkat/performanceFix #Pushing the branch to remote
git push --set-upstream origin users/venkat/germanyThresholdChanges #Setting upstream branch for current branch as the newly created branch
git checkout -b users/venkat/performanceFix Origin/venkat/performanceFix #single step if the remote branch already exists
If the remote branch already exists and you want to set the remote branch as current branch upstream.
git branch users/venkat/performanceFix
git checkout users/venkat/performanceFix
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/users/venkat/performanceFix
Assuming you are in develop branch
git checkout develop #Recommended to always point your branch to same commit as develop
git pull #Recommened to get the latest from remote
git branch users/venkat/performanceFix #Creating new branch for your needs
git checkout users/venkat/performanceFix #Checking out branch locally
git push origin users/venkat/performanceFix #Pushing the branch to remote
git push --set-upstream origin users/venkat/germanyThresholdChanges #Setting upstream branch for current branch as the newly created branch
git checkout -b users/venkat/performanceFix Origin/venkat/performanceFix #single step if the remote branch already exists
If the remote branch already exists and you want to set the remote branch as current branch upstream.
git branch users/venkat/performanceFix
git checkout users/venkat/performanceFix
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/users/venkat/performanceFix