Sunday 25 September 2022

How to Handle SSIS Database movement from one environment to another

Below are the steps to follow the movement of SSISDB from one environment to another: -- opening the existing Database master key in SSIDB using password(We got this password from the I drive in production)
OPEN master KEY decryption BY password = 'SSISCatalogDBPassword'


-- Removing the additional encryption by service master key of backup instance SSISDB
ALTER master KEY DROP encryption BY service master KEY


-- Regenerate the service master forcefully in the restored instance SSISDB. We need to force it to work.
ALTER service master KEY force regenerate;


-- Add encryption by the newly regenerated master key of previous step
ALTER master KEY ADD encryption BY service master KEY


Monday 19 September 2022

Huge Performance Improvement by going for right column order in Composite Index

We had a situation where we had composite clustering key. The table had ~30 million rows. Composite clustering key (column1_lessSelective, Column2_MostSelective,Column3_Bit). The query was performing poorly, as joining the other tables with lessSelective column was slowing down the query. Changing the order of columns made the query to run pretty fast. composite clustering key (Column2_MostSelective, column1_lessSelective ,Column3_Bit). Now, Column2_MostSelective was used in JOINS and result was very high performing query. The time reduced from 9 minutes to 13 seconds.

Friday 13 May 2022

How to create SQL Server linked server against cloudera Impala

Below are the step by step approach for making SQL Server Linked Server to work with Cloudera Impala. As SQL Server is 64 bit product, we have to install Cloudera Impala 64 bit ODBC driver to make it working with SQL Server linked service. We need to follow the below steps: 1. Install Cloudera Impala 64 bit driver in the same SQL Server machine and set up the DSN with below settings.
2. Now, create linked server in SQL Server with below settings. Product name, Datasource should be the same as the name created in DSN.
Now, the impala queries will work fine without issues, using SQL Server linked server. We had unicode data pull issues and we solved it by going for above settings.

Friday 3 September 2021

Check Mirroring Status in SQL Server 2012

We can check mirroring status of the SQL Server 2012 using below command.
     @@SERVERNAME as Server_Name,  
     DB_NAME(database_id) as Database_Name,   
 mirroring_role IS NOT NULL  

Getting free space information in SQL Server VM

We can get freespace information in a SQL Server VM using below TSQL command.
   CONVERT(CHAR(100), SERVERPROPERTY('Servername')) AS Server,  
   volume_mount_point [Disk],   
   file_system_type [File System],   
   logical_volume_name as [Logical Drive Name],   
   CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),total_bytes/1073741824.0) AS [Total Size in GB], ---1GB = 1073741824 bytes  
   CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),available_bytes/1073741824.0) AS [Available Size in GB],   
   CAST(CAST(available_bytes AS FLOAT)/ CAST(total_bytes AS FLOAT) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) * 100 AS [Space Free %]   
 FROM sys.master_files   
 CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(database_id, file_id)  

Thursday 15 July 2021

Alternate way for FULL OUTER JOIN

Below is an one more way of doing FULL OUTER JOINs involving multiple tables. This gives a simpler approach, instead of having multiple OR conditions in subsequent tables.
1:  DECLARE @a table(id int, data int)  
2:  DECLARE @b table(id int, data int)  
3:  DECLARE @c table(id int, data int)  
5:  insert into @a values(1, 9), (2, 8),(3,7)  
6:  insert into @b values(2, 6), (3, 5)  
7:  insert into @c values(1, 4), (2, 5)  
9:  ;WITH CTE_IDs as  
10:  (  
11:  SELECT ID from @a  
12:  UNION  
13:  SELECT ID FROM @b  
14:  UNION  
15:  SELECT ID FROM @c  
16:  )  
17:  SELECT c.ID,t.* FROM CTE_IDs as c  
18:  cross apply  
19:  (  
20:  VALUES((select data from @a where id =,  
21:  (select data from @b where id =,  
22:  (select data from @c where id =   
23:  ) as t(a_data,b_data,c_data)  

Monday 8 February 2021

Saving CSV file in UTF8, Compress and Archive them

We had a requirement, where the CSV files generated by SSIS were not in UTF8. We had to resave in UTF8 format. We also had to compress the group of files and archive the original set of files. We achieved that using Powershell.
 $CSVfilesFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\"  
 $CompressFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\Compress"  
 $ArchiveFolder = "C:\CSVFiles\Archive"  
 $filesForZip = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSVfilesFolder -Filter *.csv | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -First $CountofFilesToZip | select fullname | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }  
 $newFileName = "$($CompressFolder)\"  
 #Encoding to UTF8   
 foreach($file in $filesForZip)  
   $UTF8Only = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)  
   $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $file  
   [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($file, $FileContent, $UTF8Only)     
 #Generate Zip file  
 $compress = @{  
  Path = $filesForZip  
  CompressionLevel = "Fastest"  
  DestinationPath = $newFileName  
 Compress-Archive @compress -Force  
 #Archive the files  
 foreach($file in $filesForZip)  
   Move-Item $file -Destination $ArchiveFolder -Force  

How to Handle SSIS Database movement from one environment to another

Below are the steps to follow the movement of SSISDB from one environment to another: -- opening the existing Database master key in S...